Making and Responding to Apologies

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 Read and Learn!

We say sorry when we make mistakes, hurt someone or do something bad

Here are some examples of apology expressions:

apology expressions Response
  • sorry
  • I’m so sorry
  • I’m really sorry
  • Please accept my apology
  • Please excuse me
  • I apologize for
  • That’s okay
  • Never mind
  • It’s alright/ok
  • No problem
  • I accept your apology
  • Apology accepted
  • Please don’t be sorry
  • It doesn’t matter

Now pay attention to the following example of how to use the expression in a sentences.

  • Kirania  : I’m very sorry. I forgot to return your note yesterday.
    Meylani  : No, problem. I don’t need it until Saturday.

  • Jessica  : I am sorry for using your camera without permission.
    Nathania : Apology accepted

  • Evelin  : I’m terribly sorry, I’m late. I was at school and just got home.
    Refa    : That’s okay.

  • Savana : I am very sorry, I wouldn’t be able to come to your party.
    Nesa   : That’s okay. Thanks for letting me know.
Sometimes, something bad happens to other people, such as a death in the family or sickness. To show our Sympathy, we can say: I’m sorry to hear that.

  • Examples 1:

Faza  : Hi, how are you ?
Angel : Not so good. My grandmother passes away yesterday.
Faza  : I’m sorry to hear that.
Angel : Thanks.

  • Examples 2:

Rafi  : You look so sad. What happened?
Fairul  : I Failed on my English exam.
Rafi  : I’m sorry to hear that.
Fairul  : Thanks. I’ll do better next time.

Read and practice the conversation below!

Conversation 1:

Mother : Tony, have you bought me some sugar?
Tony  : I am sorry, Mom. I forgot.
Mother : Nevermind

Conversation 2:

Father : Nanda, did you break that glass?
Nanda : Yes, I did. I am very sorry dad.
Father : That’s quite all right. But be careful next time.
Nanda : Alright Dad. thanks

Conversation 3:

Daffa  : Dad, I’m sorry I forgot to feed “si putih.”
Father : That’s terrific. Don’t do it again.
Daffa  : Okay dad. Thanks. I Promise.

 Sorry”, “Excuse me”, “Pardon”

Sorry is used to:
  • Apologize after someone has done something wrong.
  • Feel sadness or sympathy because something bad has happened to them
  • Express condolence to someone due to losing something or someone (for example the death of someone close to our audience)
Excuse me is used to:
  • get someone’s attention politely. e.g Excuse me, do you know where the bank is?
  • show you are sorry for interrupting someone. e.g. Excuse me for interrupting your words, but My teacher is calling me.
  • ask someone politely to repeat something that you didn’t hear or understand. e.g. Excuse me you did what? I couldn’t hear you clearly.
We usually say excuse me before we interrupt or disturb somebody; we say sorry after we disturb or trouble somebody.
Pardon me is used to: 
Pardon me has the same meaning as “excuse me“, but it is more commonly used for misunderstandings and mishearing.


Put “I’m sorry”, “Excuse me”, “Pardon” in the correct picture!

Roni Wahyudi
Roni Wahyudi Menulis adalah cara terbaik untuk mengingat dan di ingat.

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